About Us


Sheffield Presbyterian Church

We warmly welcome you to the website of Sheffield Presbyterian Church.
Sunday the 19th September 2010 is a memorable date in our minds, because this day marked the beginning of the public worship services of this newly planted congregation.

There are five core beliefs and values that are important to our understanding of the church and these headings (all of which begin with the letter ‘C’) may help you to appreciate the DNA of this church.


The supreme authority of the church is the Old and New Testaments, comprising the sixty-six books of the Bible. A valid question is: ‘How do you interpret the Bible?’. Our theology is summarised by the Westminster Standards (Westminster Confession, Shorter & Larger Catechisms). Unlike the Bible, these standards were authored by men, but we believe they are a faithful summary of what the Bible teaches.


The government of each congregation within our denomination is made up of elders. These elders, which includes a minister (a teaching elder), together form the presbytery. The presbytery is the regional expression of our authority structure and there is great benefit to each church in terms of encouragement, prayer, accountability and unity.


An organic unity is seen to exist between the Old and New Covenants. The climax of these various covenants are manifested in the Person and work of Jesus Christ. A covenantal approach to the Bible impacts our method in preaching, our understanding of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and our vision of discipleship in the family.


People are made in the image of God and this divine blueprint includes an inbuilt desire to be in harmony with other people. We hope that our congregation strives to take the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27) very seriously but simultaneously the building of a living community of real people should be the expression of our doctrine.


It is our sincere desire that our church members sense that they are cared for spiritually, practically and pastorally.

We would be delighted if you were to join us on any Sunday, to worship the Triune God in the name of the only mediator between God and men, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Rev. Dr Kevin J. Bidwell Minister